
We Used To Be Girl Scouts

“Being a girl isn’t all bad. But when it’s bad, it’s terrible.”

Drew thinks she’s pregnant. Sasha loves her female best friend. And Mary’s home life is a dark pit of despair. Finding themselves crushed under the unbearable weight that is teenagerdom, they take to the woods to clear their minds and make some tough decisions. When Mary discloses her plans of running away for good, suddenly life has more possibility and meaning than ever before. But is it really within their grasp? A triptych of the pain, joy and big feelings that make up adolescent girlhood.

2024 Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Produced by Hey Thanks Theatre Collective in collaboration with New Celts Productions. Directed by Kate Stamoulis

I Hope It All Burns

After tragedy strikes a small Scottish village, three women are charged with witchcraft. Each tell their tale but in this dangerous game, one woman’s truth will send another to the grave. What happened that awful night? Who lives to tell the truth?

Produced by Mermaids Performing Arts Fund @ St Andrews / Moot Point Collective 2022. Directed by Vee Campbell

abigail williams is a whore.

Something strange is happening is happening in Salem...again. It seems as if the spirit of scorned woman Abigail Williams has taken to possessing the bodies of local Salemites and is targeting Harry, the body in which the soul of her former lover John Proctor now inhabits. Which is, you know, pretty inconvenient.

Produced by Page2Stage Edinburgh.

80 Percent

Half-sister’s Jean and Ani receive their recently deceased mother’s DNA test results in the mail. Should they open it and potentially discover what unfortunate predispositions lie in their own genetics, or leave their fates to…well, fate?

Production history: Long Island City One Act Festival Semifinalist 2019 | Theatre of Diversion’s Theatre, Lime, and Salt, Audience Choice Winner and Critics Choice Runner-Up 2022. Directed by Rachel Horwitz

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Becky Knows What Sex Is

Ernie and Larry’s daughter knows what sex is. Now what? A ten-minute play exploring consent and sexual education.

Produced by Brunch Theatre NYC 2020. Directed by Paul Bedard.

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Click me for more info!

A My Name Is Allison

Long-time friends Julian, Trish, and Pete get together one night every month to play board games and escape from the stresses of everyday life. This time, Julian invites a date that seems to have a motive other than finding love. What's going on with her? And what's with her sock puppet? Time will tell in this revenge-driven story of a girl desperate to meet her makers.

Production history: NYU Tisch School of the Arts 2018, directed by Emery Schaffer | Elephant Room Productions 2019 (reading) | The Tank NYC 2020, directed by V Greene

Read our review here.

Twelfth Night In 30 Minutes

Written as a children’s pre-show but beloved by all ages, Twelfth Night in 30 minutes is a truncated re-telling of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night (Or What You Will)!

Produced by and toured with Shakespeare On The Sound (Rowayton, CT). Directed by Nick Urda